Time Management - LESSON - 3
In the previous Lesson, you learnt that time can be categorized in two ways. You also saw that the same time span has different values at different periods of the day. For instance, a school teacher can earn more in tuition hours than in school hours. An international tennis player can earn millions of dollars while playing tennis on the court. But during other times, his income may be negligible. Again, time has different intrinsic values for different people. For example, the CEO of a Company earns thousands of rupees every hour. This is possible for him because, long before becoming CEO, he would have meticulously invested his time in acquiring relevant knowledge. You can thus see that income and knowledge are directly related. While one employee, who invests his time in acquiring knowledge, gets a promotion – perhaps, a series of promotions – and his salary income goes up, another employee may continue in the same cadre. So, here’s a secret if you are an employee: time invested wisely always gives manifold return of income. If you did not know this earlier, take heart – it’s not your fault. Your school curriculum did not have this lesson. You were never informed or taught about the significance of time- value. However, now you have a choice. You can acquire enough knowledge and seek promotion; or, you can continue to sulk for not getting promoted and involve yourself in the usual stories which go round – such as “oh, he must have a godfather”, “boss is his brother-in-law”, “his father and HR Manager went to the same college”, “……”, “………”. You can add your own story here.
Those who invest their time in acquiring specialized knowledge belong to the 3% group. (see Lesson 4 of Module I ).