Financial Goals - LESSON - 2
I presume that you’re ready with your new savings account.
Now, this calls for a little secrecy. Telling your spouse about this new account is okay. But, never disclose this to anybody else – even to your close friends. When your savings really gets large, they will automatically come to know of it. Because, richness oozes out of your face – literally. If you do not want to believe me, just look at the faces of people who are rich – the kind of self-confidence or the way they carry their body. So, your friends will see a significant change in you and will want to know how and why. Then, and only then, tell them your secret.
(Note : throughout these lessons, wherever I refer to money or richness, it is about money earned in an honest way. These lessons are written keeping YOU in mind.)
Now, the next step is to convert your savings into investment. There are various types of investment. Bank deposits, Company deposits, Debentures, Government of India Bonds (GOI), National Savings Certificates etc. As a rule, the higher the rate of interest, the higher the risk. So play safe and stick to Banks, Post Office or GOI bonds.
(Buying a Life Insurance policy is a separate issue. It is not investment. More information in a subsequent Lesson.)
Since your monthly income takes care of your monthly budget, there is no need for you to spend the interest income which you’ll be getting from your investment. So, you can reinvest your interest income in a cumulative deposit account.